Frog facts

frogs Photo

There are over 5,000 species of frog. Not all of them are angry frogs.

Frogs don’t need to drink water as they absorb it through their skin. That gives us more time to focus on drinking alcohol.

A frog’s call is unique to its species, and some frog calls can be heard up to a mile away. A bit like the people of Whitehaven who are also gobshites and loud.

Some frogs can jump over 20 times their own body length; that is like a human jumping 30m. This frog cannot due to a penchant for Nutella.

Due to their permeable skin, typically biphastic life (aquatic larvae and terrestrial adults), and mid-position in the food web frogs and other amphibians are excellent biological indicators of the wider health of ecosystems. Froggy gives this the thumbs up. People should look after their environment and surroundings.

In Egypt the frog is the symbol of life and fertility, and in Egyptian mythology Heget is a frog-goddess who represents fertility.

Froggy smiles and croaks.

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